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Mirror's Edge Demo Impressions

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Developed By:
EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE)
Published By: EA
Engine:Unreal Engine 3
Genre:First Person/Action/Adventure
System(s):Microsoft Windows
Xbox 360
Playstation 3
I know what you're thinking. "Another First Person game with the Unreal engine which is probably all gory and full of browns and grays!" You couldn't be more wrong, the game is absolutely gorgeous and sports a jaw-dropping scope that is becoming more common in games these days.
As you start the demo you're introduced to the main colors you will see throughout the game. Whites, blacks, oranges, and blues will make this game very different from previous Unreal Engine games. I played the demo on the 360, but I'm pretty sure the controls are in the respective place for PS3.

The demo is the tutorial level from the first stage of the game. The stage that many have seen in the videos; the very first video actually. You are introduced to Faith and the city that the game takes place in. The game starts with a cellshaded cutscene giving you a little backstory of the world. The people have lost most of their freedom, they're under constant surveillance, and as expected some people reacted negatively to this sudden change. These are the people you work for in the game, delivering messages across rooftops, sewer, and overall just any way you can get the package/ message delivered. Seeing as how all communication is monitored and runners are the only safe...er safest way to deliver a message, it makes sense right?.

As you gain control of Faith the first thing you do is a tutorial, pop-ups instructing you how to play. Simple jumping, crouching, and how to check your current objectives. From there you meet up with another runner. She teaches you some of the more advanced move you will need to complete your objectives. In the game some objects are red, this is runner vision. Runner vision is a way for the game to tell you where to go. You can use it, but you don't have too, seeing as how there are multiple ways to get around the game. I turned it off, because it kind of ruined the visuals for me.The game has a moderate learning curve, seeing as how i died a lot the first time I played it. Also death, no matter how cool it looks(seeing the world in one big motion blur as you plummet to the ground), still sucks. Fortunately you start right back where you died. Then you're run through a quick combat tutorial.

There are two punches, a high punch and a low punch. A kick you can do by jumping and then pressing the attack button(Right Trigger on 360), and a sliding kick you can do by pressing the crouch button while moving and pressing the attack button. You can also disarm enemies in first person with the 'Y' button. you can just press the button at any time when behind them, but when they try to attack you with it you have to wait until it flashes red.
After you learn the basics you begin the actual first level.

The first level starts with credits, and a fast paced first person scripted event, pretty much demoing what you're able to do. After that brief moment the game throws the controls into your hands and says, "Run!"

Watch the First Step. Game comes out today, be sure to at least rent this one. It's defiantly worth it.

Final Notes
This demo is available on Xbox LIVE,and PSN.
Death Makes a nasty crunch sound.

Now playing: Deftones - Bored


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