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Live Search Club Gone!?

Literally 30 minutes ago Microsoft started to pull the plug on Search Club Live, a popular freebie website that gives you prizes for playing games. No statement has been made by Microsoft, but all of the high level prizes such as the Xbox 360 and “Scene It?” have been pulled. Now, only small prizes remain, these include a Kitchen Timer, T-Shirts, etc.

The large amounts of removals may be because of the widespread LSC Cheating. The cheating involved people using “bots”, such as ICHC to do the games automatically. To try and stop this Microsoft put a 1,000 ticket limit per day. But the cheating persisted as many cheaters left the bots on to gain 1,000 points a day. With high level prizes, like an Xbox 360 Console, going for only 55,000 tickets you can see how easily it was for cheaters to get some serious prizes and/or money from selling these gifts.

LSC is still up and running, but all high level prizes are gone as of now. What is the future of LSC? We will have to wait and see!


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